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General Drama Master's Degrees in Virginia

Virginia General Drama Master's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 6 Virginia schools providing general drama master's degrees, and University of Virginia is the best option.

Check other Virginia schools granting general drama master's degrees and theatre colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other theatre major or diploma.

VA general drama master's degree schools:

University of Virginia - Theatre School Ranking
1. University of Virginia

Located in Charlottesville

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Theatre School Ranking
Virginia Commonwealth University - Theatre School Ranking
Regent University - Theatre School Ranking
4. Regent University

Located in Virginia Beach

Hollins University - Theatre School Ranking
5. Hollins University

Located in Roanoke

Mary Baldwin University - Theatre School Ranking
6. Mary Baldwin University

Located in Staunton

General drama master's degrees in nearby states:

University of South Carolina Columbia - Theatre School Ranking
University of South Carolina Columbia

Located in Columbia, South Carolina

West Virginia University - Theatre School Ranking
West Virginia University

Located in Morgantown, West Virginia

Towson University - Theatre School Ranking
Towson University

Located in Towson, Maryland

Bob Jones University - Theatre School Ranking
Bob Jones University

Located in Greenville, South Carolina

Winthrop University - Theatre School Ranking
Winthrop University

Located in Rock Hill, South Carolina

VA theatre schools offering other master's degrees:

George Mason University - Theatre School Ranking
George Mason University

Located in Fairfax, 1 master's program

Norfolk State University - Theatre School Ranking
Norfolk State University

Located in Norfolk, 1 master's program

Other theatre master's degrees in VA:

Acting and Performing: 3 schools
Screenwriting and Playwriting: 1 school

Other general drama diplomas in VA:

Certificates: 1 school
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 31 schools

Virginia theatre schools by city:

Annandale: 1 school
Ashland: 1 school
Blacksburg: 1 school
Bluefield: 1 school
Bridgewater: 1 school
Buena Vista: 1 school
Charlottesville: 2 schools
Chester: 1 school
Danville: 1 school
Emory: 1 school
Fairfax: 1 school
Farmville: 1 school
Ferrum: 1 school
Fredericksburg: 1 school
Hampden Sydney: 1 school
Hampton: 1 school
Harrisonburg: 1 school
Lexington: 1 school
Lynchburg: 3 schools
Newport News: 1 school
Norfolk: 3 schools
Petersburg: 1 school
Radford: 1 school
Richmond: 4 schools
Roanoke: 1 school
Salem: 1 school
Staunton: 1 school
Sweet Briar: 1 school
Virginia Beach: 2 schools
Williamsburg: 1 school
Winchester: 1 school

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